Tuesday, October 03, 2006

SO NOT a Father Christmas!

Jake *told* me his face was all wrong for a Father Christmas character -- I should have listened. I dug out every last reasonable shade of hair I own, as well as one not so reasonable, and he wasn't happy with anything but the black. Honestly, this guy is turning out to be as autocratic as his face. So I guess Jake will get gloating rights for being right THIS time. Instead of Father Christmas, he is going to be entered in Doll Street's "Dungeon Master" challenge. He tells me he will be a great "Keeper of the Keys".

(People who don't play with dolls will probably think I have lost my marbles, but trust me -- they do TOO talk!)

I am pretty happy with his clothing so far. Everything fits! He will also be wearing a hat of some sort and a long over tunic. I am hand sewing the tunic right now. The main fabric is a velvet which is too wriggly to sew accurately by machine, and then there are a few coordinating fabrics that set it off just right.

I wanted the tunic to be in black and silver, but I found an old brownish plum velvet formal at the thrift store that was such a delicious color I knew I would have to use it.

His accessories will include a belt with a key chatelaine, and perhaps a staff or a whip of some kind. Hmmm... his hands aren't really posed to hold either of those things though... I'll have to think about it some more.

Just for fun I have included this close-up of his boots. They are modeled after a photo I found on the 'net of a pair of boots worn by a woman surgeon from the Civil War. They turned out well, but next time I will know to leave more of a "slot" around the top edge in which to tuck pants. These have barely enough of a ridge to conceal the raw edges of the pants fabric.

I keep learning!


Linda Fleming said...

LOL! Isn't it funny how they sometimes go in an entirely different direction from what we intially intended? But he is going to be a great Dungeon master! And I love those boots- are they clay?
Linda F from FL

Judi W. said...

AARGH ... after seeing him I think MY dungeon master is going to go hide inside a cell and sulk!!! Love the boots and he's coming out great!!

Kai said...

Boy, Jake has a good eye for what's what! This is a WONDERFUL Dungeon Master entry! Imagine that only a short while ago, this fine fellow was nothing more than a head! Judi, you're remarkable!