Friday, June 02, 2006

Fairy Baby update

She is completely painted now -- it was SO hard to stop. I was just having way too much fun. Dinner became nothing more than pita burgers as I completely lost track of time. Bless my family! They understand that when I am "in the zone" I am useless for much of anything else and are usually willing (and hungry enough) to eat what gets shoved in front of them.

Here is a close up of her face. I am pleased with the way her tattoos show in the photo as they are quite subtle in real life. The highlight on her lower lip is not so pale however. I think it's just the way the vinyl is catching the light from the window.

Didn't her skin tone turn out great?!

I'm about half way done with her costume. The plan is for her to be a little goth-ish flower fairy. Is that too big a contradiction? Her wings still need a few more embellishments -- I need to take a photo of the back view so you can see how they blend into her body. It was scarey drilling the holes to insert the wings. It took the biggest bit I have to make a hole large enough. They looked HUGE, but a little more Aves around the hole and blended into her skin holds the wings nicely stable.

Her tights fit perfectly, and the underbodice is just the right color. In spite of my daughters' protests ("She's a baby Mom!") she will have a bustier of lavender silk dupioni embroidered with silk ribbon, and then an underskirt of "flower petals" made of silk dyed with Kool-Aid.

I can't wait for her wig to get here.

Honestly, I haven't had this much fun on a project in years.


Judi W. said...

Love the tattoos! They look amazing! Costume is cute too but I have to say I really, really love those tights!

Shashi Nayagam said...

Hi Judi,
I have been meaning to ask your blog address for a while. Good thing Judi posted it. I love all your dolls. You do some lovely work and those tatoos are amazing.
I will add your link to my blog now

Kai said...

Judi, I am SOOOOO glad I visited your blog this afternoon! Not only am I intrigued by the reborning process, I absolutely LOVE this darling fairy-baby! Her colors are wonderful & her attire is so playful! Goth/flower child fairy - PERFECT description! You know, I ended up reading all of your blog & really feeling very peaceful when I finished. I definitely need to visit more often!