Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Photo of the Week - "My Nightstand"

I hesitated to put up this a photo of this week's topic - for one thing I don't have a "real" nightstand, and for another I wasn't sure I wanted to share my set up. You see, our farm house is quite old and all the rooms upstairs (including our bedroom) are very small. Each room has exactly one electrical outlet. Jake has more need of the clock than I do, so the nightstand is on his side of the bed.

But what the heck...

I have a decorative step, (which, since we bought our new mattress last month has come in quite handy by the way -- the surface of the bed is now higher than my waist.) As you can see, I am a Pile Maker. Please don't hold it against me!

I have lots more on the creative front to share this week, but I have to get to work. I'll be back with some updates later.


BumbleVee said...

with those new huge mattresses, we shorties need those step stools... just to be able to take a flying leap and hope we make it onto the bed! I think they should actually have some sort of springboard effect built in too ... make it more dramatic when you take the jump... 'course, getting out could be a disaster...

Shelly said...

I love your setup...high bedding is just the geatest and I always been fond of steps at the side of the bed. I once kept a small step beside mine...only for looks though...Shelly

Serena Lewis said...

Judi, I'm so glad you did post your bedside set-up! I'm envious of your high bed too. I'm also happy to see that you like to read in bed too and I even see some art books in there. Despite having my bedside table stacked with books, I often have piles of books and sketchbooks on the floor beside my bed too and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Jennifer Rose said...

i pile books by the bed too, under the bed and even on the bed lol

a step is a great idea for those huge bed, a trampoline to get in would be more fun tho lol

Shashi Nayagam said...

Great idea about the foot stool. If ever my DH decides to have a higher bed then that is what I will need to do.

MaryO said...

I had to buy one of those little steps for my guest room...only my six-footers can get into that bed without it! As for piles of books, those are quite decorative (that's how I excuse them at my house!)