Monday, October 05, 2009

Monday's photos

I fully intended to put up some in-progress photos of my Retreat doll today, but have you ever had a project where everything (Every. Last. Thing.) just goes WRONG? I keep plugging away, and at last I have an assembled doll and base complete, but I still need to add paint and ream out a support hole that somehow got filled in with apoxie. And so it goes... sigh...

Trust me, she is not ready for photography, LOL!

Instead, I bring you one of the most spectacularly beautiful nuisances of this or any other region - a swarming flock of starlings.

There is a vineyard across the street whose fruit is irresistable to these voracious pests. The owner of the field has set up a noise cannon that keeps them from settling on the fruit, so they settle on our barn roofs instead.

Watching them dip and swirl in the sky is quite a sight. HOW do they know how to move in such perfect unison??

You should just hear the racket they make. If the cannons don't deafen you, this flock will.

"Firebrand" the alpaca doesn't really care about the birds or the noise. Until some feed shows up, he is content to sit and enjoy one of the last beautiful sunny days of the season. Smart critter!

I really will try to get some of those doll shots posted soon.


Jennifer Rose said...

i think the flock is a gorgeous sight, but not good for fruit or car :p

sorry you were having problems with your doll, look forward to seeing the pics :)

BumbleVee said...

projects go wrong?...hahahahhaha....... oh... yeh....been there, got the t-shirt... and the gray hairs.... ... hope it all comes together for you. Looking forward to seeing her...

the robins are crazily dodging each other and the house as they strive to eat every last berry off the Mayday tree in the backyard... they only have a few more days til they head south.... by the 15th of this month...they leave and will be gone til the 15th of March....

Serena Lewis said...

the pic of the starlings on the roof is awesome! i can almost hear the noise. Alpacas are so darned cute! I so hear ya on projects going wrong.....I've been wrestling with a painting for a couple of weeks but it seems like forever. It just wasn't working for me.

Michelle Eaton said...

Look at all those ducks! I have never seen so many at once. They would be so noisey.

I love that little alpaca, he is so cute!